Breath Biopsy Conference 2022 – full programme released

After two years of uncertainty and online events, we are excited to launch this year’s Breath Biopsy Conference. The full 2022 programme is now confirmed. Get to know our speakers and their cutting-edge talks prior to the conference, along with a complete breakdown of what to expect over the two days.

Published on: 12 Sep 2022


 The Breath Biopsy Conference, our annual flagship event, brings together leading researchers and organizations together to highlight progres in breathomics, by discussing the latest research and our shared challenges. This event is for anyone interested in or working directly with breath analysis.

Following the success and popularity of last year’s virtual conference, along with domestic and international travel still causing much uncertainty, #BBCon22 will also be held online. Registration is free, with the event taking place on 1st and 2nd November 2022.

BBCon22 First Programme

With exciting speakers from leading research organizations and institutions around the world confirmed, we are looking forward to welcoming presenters and delegates from many different time zones.

This year our two fantastic plenary speakers will be Professor Chris Brightling, NIHR Senior Investigator and Clinical Professor in Respiratory Medicine at University Leicester and Dr. Alex Weston from the Mayo Clinic. Chris’ talk title is ‘EMBER: breathomics for acute and chronic lung disease – getting closer to the clinic?’ from the East Midlands Breathomics Pathology Node. Alex will present ‘Machine learning analysis of volatolomic profiles in breath can identify non-invasive biomarkers of liver disease’ following up from their latest research paper.

Alongside the plenary sessions, we’ll also hear from the inspirational Anke-Hilse Maitland-Van Der Zee, from Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam, who will feature in ‘Applications of Breath Analysis’ session on the first day of the conference. Joining Anke-Hilse in this session will be Waqar Ahmed from University of Manchester. Frederik-Jan van Schooten from Maastricht University will present in the ‘Advances in Technologies in Breath Analysis’ session when he will share his new research ‘Breath collection in animal models: an optimisation and case study on abdominal sepsis’.

We listen to delegate feedback each year, so we are also excited to be bringing you an entirely new session. The Careers in Bioscience session will be hosted by Grace Rowley, our Senior Talent Acquisition & Projects Business Partner along with Dr Robert Mohney, Head of Clinical and Translational Science at Owlstone. This workshop will take place on the second day of the Breath Biopsy Conference and will be an interactive session providing you with a wealth of hints and tips for your CV and job applications. In addition to this, you can engage with a general discussion regarding careers in bioscience, followed by short question and answer session. If you are interested in pursuing a career in this field, then the careers workshop is perfect for you.


View our current career opportunities

The Early Careers session has been a feature of the conference since 2020. Returning for 2022, this session gives an opportunity to those who are relatively new to the field to showcase their research alongside the more experienced cohort of breath researchers.

We are looking forward to Angie Davina Tjandra joining us from University of New South Wales to discuss their recent paper ‘Polydiacetylene-based colorimetric sensor array for rapid volatile organic compounds detection to diagnose early lung cancer’. Alongside Angie, Mark Woollam, from Indiana University will discuss ‘Canine-Inspried Identification of Exhaled Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Biomarkers of Disease by Solid Microextraction Coupled to Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry’. Also joining us in the Early Careers session at the confernece is Bilijana Gjurova from Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology, to present their recent study to identify Covid-19 markers in exhaled breath by the use of ion mobility spectrometry.

Also returning are the poster sessions, which will feature flash presentations of the latest research across the two days of the conference. Posters will be displayed on the Breath Biopsy Community pages, a resource hub in which attendees are encouraged to view and engage with presenters and each other.



To round up two days full of cutting-edge research, attendees can tune in to the Ask the Expert discussion, on the theme of ‘The Biggest Unanswered Questions in Breath Research’. This session will see leading members of the breath research community, including Renelle Myers, Olaf Holz from Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM)  from BC Cancer Agency, and Stephen Fowler from The University of Manchester come together to discuss several unresolved topics around breath. The panel discussion is always one of our most popular sessions, stimulating lively interaction amongst both the panel and viewers.

We would like to thank our sponsors who help make this event happen. Their knowledge and expertise are fundamental in the development of breath research, so we are very excited to welcome Thermo Fisher Scientific, Markes International, SepSolve Analyical and Anatune to the event. You can also tune in to see their presentations covering their latest data over the course of the two days.


Markes International Logo SepSolve Analytical Logo Thermo Fisher Scientific Logo Element/Anatune RGB Logo

If your organization would like to join our cohort of sponsors, there is still time to register your interest. For more information on how to become a sponsor, head over to our sponsorship opportunities.

There is still time to sign up to #BBCon22. Make sure you don’t miss out on this year’s fantastic cohort of speakers.


Last year’s conference saw over 900 delegates register to join us from across the seven continents. If you weren’t one of them, don’t worry, you can catch up on the presentations, posters and blogs.