Breathing New Life into the Microbiome: Euro Biopharmaceutical Review

Published on: 12 Jul 2023, under Breath Biopsy

EBR Front cover and page 34

This month’s European Biopharmaceutical Review features a Q&A with our CEO Billy Boyle on pages 34 and 35, detailing how breath analysis has the potential to transform microbiome research.

After discussing the current landscape in breath research and the utility of breath biomarkers, Billy discusses how breath analysis and microbiome research have received a surge of interest in recent years.

“The microbiome is a difficult environment to study…microbiome studies can generate large volumes of data with huge variability. A key challenge lies in identifying which diseases are associated with changes to the microbiome composition.” 

The overlap of the two fields could see huge breakthroughs in clinical applications, especially due to the non-invasive nature of exhaled breath, and that it is a virtually unlimited resource.

The article concludes with how Billy can see the field developing over the next decade.

“Research into the relationship between the body and the microbiome during disease is vital.”

Read the article

The front cover of our breath analysis and the microbiome short document, available on-demand.

Breath and the Microbiome Summary

Read the Document Now