Yury Kistenev at the Breath Biopsy Conference 2021

Early Detection session - Acute myocardial infarction diagnostics through exhaled air volatile markers analysis by machine learning and laser optical-acoustic spectroscopy (20min)


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Talk Abstract:

Our work demonstrates the abilities of exhaled air volatile marker analysis by machine learning and laser optical-acoustic spectroscopy for acute myocardial infarction diagnostics. The target group included 30 patients with primary myocardial infarction, which had been recruited in the Cardiology Research Institute, Tomsk, Russia. The control group included 42 healthy volunteers. The interval in hours between the AMI case and sampling time was 15.75 (the mean value). We have used and compared the pattern-recognition-based approach and chemical-composition-based approach. The predictive model was based on using support vector machine combined with principal component analysis. The created predictive model based on the pattern-recognition technique provided 0.86 of the mean values of both the sensitivity and specificity. The created predictive model based on the chemical analytical-based detection using six volatile markers (C5H12, N2O, NO2, C2H4, CO, CO2) provided 0.82 and 0.93 of the mean values of the sensitivity and specificity, respectively. The research was carried out with the support of a grant under the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 220 of 09 April 2010.

Speaker Biography:
Yury V. Kistenev is a professor at Tomsk State University, Russia. He received his PhD in optics in 1987 and his doctorate degree in physics and mathematics in 1997. He is the author of more than 140 journal papers and has written four book chapters. His current research interests include laser molecular imaging, IR and terahertz laser spectroscopy, and machine learning.

The Breath Biopsy Conference 2022 is scheduled for 1st-3rd November. Click the button to express interest in the next Breath Biopsy Conference:

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