Robert van Vorstenbosch at the Breath Biopsy Conference 2021
Early Career presentation - The detection of colorectal cancer via exhaled breath analysis, where we stand and where we go (20min)
The Breath Biopsy Conference 2022 is scheduled for 1st-3rd November. Click the button to express interest in the next Breath Biopsy Conference:
Talk Abstract:
The early detection of colorectal cancer (CRC) via national screening programs is crucial as survival rates decrease at advanced stages. Often these programs consist of a primary Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT), and when unfavorable a subsequent colonoscopy. However, the FIT results in many false indications; a better screening tool is needed. To this end the analysis of exhaled breath has shown promising in our recent prospective study. Within a FIT-positive population exhaled breath of 30 CRC patients, 138 advanced adenomas, 130 non-advanced adenomas and 84 negative controls, was collected using Tedlar Bags and analyzed using Gas chromatography Mass Spectrometry. Subsequently, machine-learning techniques were applied to predict the respective patient groups. Although class imbalance and low statistical power were recognized as major challenges for modelling CRC, these were omitted using probabilistic One Class modelling. To distinguish CRC cases from negative controls a final sensitivity and specificity of 67.3% and 70% were obtained, respectively. Similarly, to discriminate Advanced Adenomas from negative controls a sensitivity and specificity of 79% and 70% were obtained. Although promising, more research with increased statistical power, chemical resolution, and validation efforts is needed. Thus, an additional 900 patients (600 FIT-positives, 150 IBD, 150 IBS) will be sampled for exhaled breath using the Reciva Sampling. Additionally, fecal samples will be examined by our newly developed sampling methodology using the Microchamber Thermal Extractor. By combining exhaled breath markers with fecal markers, we aim for increased diagnostic accuracy while testing validity of so-far reported candidate biomarkers and reporting potential new ones.
Speaker Biography:
Robert van Vorstenbosch studied Chemistry and Forensic Science at VU University Amsterdam (VU) and the University of Amsterdam (UvA). During this period he performed research at, amongst others, TNO, Shell and DSM. During his master internship he focused on the sensory profiling of foods and beverages using chemometric techniques under the supervision of Age Smilde and Margriet Hendriks. Thereafter, he was given a PhD position at Maastricht University, department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Here, under the supervision of Agnieszka Smolinska and Frederik-Jan van Schooten, he is dedicated to study the possibilities of detecting colorectal cancer (and monitor gut health in general) using exhaled breath and fecal profiles. His passion is to combine advanced machine-learning techniques with novel analytical omics methodologies to aid (gut-)healthcare developments.
The Breath Biopsy Conference 2022 is scheduled for 1st-3rd November. Click the button to express interest in the next Breath Biopsy Conference: