Real-time, home-based analysis of microbiome metabolites with the OMED Health Breath Analyzer

Online, 16 Jul 2024

Real-time, home-based analysis of microbiome metabolites with the OMED Health Breath Analyzer

Date: 16 Jul 2024

Location: Online

Enable lower-cost and home-based monitoring of microbiome biomarkers in clinical trials

Taking place on 16th July at 3pm BST, 10am EDT, in this webinar, we will present the release of our revolutionary methane-hydrogen analysis device, the OMED Health Breath Analyzer. It is a hand-held portable device able to accurately measure hydrogen and methane levels in the breath in real-time, and send the data directly to a mobile phone app via Bluetooth. The non-invasive sampling method facilitates home testing for gut microbiome research.

We will provide the following case study examples:

  1. The relevance of hydrogen and methane to GI disease
  2. Hydrogen and methane in broader disease contexts

Find out how you can integrate the OMED device into clinical trials, or pair it with our Breath Biopsy® Collection Station to incorporate a wider range of on-breath volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Hosted by Dr. Elizabeth Crone, Head of Business Development, Research Products & Services and Dr. Rui Lopes, Medical Advisor, and Dr. Matt Kerr, Biomarker Scientist II. Join us at 3pm BST, 10am EDT.