ASCO 2022 Poster Presentation

Breath-based early detection of lung cancer using a metabolic probe targeting tumour specific extracellular β-glucuronidase.

We recently joined more than 40,000 oncology professionals from around the world at the 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting. This event allows delegates to stay up to date on new clinical cancer advances in every area of cancer research, gain real-time insights from world-renown faculty, and connect with one of the largest, most diverse audiences in global oncology.

Listen to Christiaan present the poster:

You can now view our poster ‘Breath Biopsy early detection of lung cancer using an EVOC Probe targeting tumour specific extracellular β-glucuronidase’, which Christiaan, one of our Senior Translational Scientists at Owlstone, presented during the Developmental Therapeutics – Immunotherapy session on Sunday 5th June.



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