Asthma UK/Innovate UK 2018 Project Grants

Published on: 9 Feb 2018

Do you have an innovative idea for a research or development project to apply for an Asthma UK/Innovate UK 2018 project grant?

Deadline for completed applications: 1pm, Tuesday 27 March 2018

Asthma is a long-term condition affecting the airways and causes symptoms of wheezing, shortness of breath and coughing and can lead to life-threatening asthma attacks. In the UK, there are over 5.4 million people with asthma, 1.1 million of which are children.

At present there are no tools to accurately diagnose asthma or its subtypes. Diagnosis has historically been made by testing if symptoms respond to treatment. The result is that asthma is commonly misdiagnosed.

A comprehensive gap analysis and a series of consensus-gathering exercises across Europe, the Asthma UK-led European Asthma Research and Innovation Partnership (EARIP) recently published recommendations for investment in asthma research and development.

Following on from the work of EARIP, Asthma UK and Innovate UK published a report – Diagnosing asthma: a 21st century challenge.

The report focused on the three key areas of opportunity for asthma diagnosis and forms the basis for the call to apply for project funding.
The identified areas are:

  1. Development of a low-cost, accurate diagnostic test that improves diagnosis of asthma in primary care
  2. Predicting future asthma in preschool children
  3. Identification of new biomarkers for asthma diagnosis and monitoring


2018 Asthma UK/Innovate UK Project Grants – diagnostics themed call is now open for Applications

Grants of between £50k and £250k will be awarded. The lead applicant and the proposed project must be based in the UK. All applications must involve at least one UK business – either as lead applicant or collaborating partner.

Don’t forget the deadline for completed applications is 1pm, Tuesday 27 March 2018.


Breath Biopsy for Discovery of Novel Asthma Biomarkers

Exhaled volatile organic compounds (VOCs) reflect molecular processes related to chronic inflammation in asthma. This makes VOCs in exhaled breath ideal biomarkers for diagnosis and stratification of asthma phenotypes to enable precision medicine, ensuring patients receive more suitable treatments.
Owlstone Medical®’s breath sampling and analysis technology offers a non-invasive way to investigate potential VOC biomarkers that could be developed for clinical applications.

Read more about the applications of breath biomarkers in asthma in our research case study:


Breath Biopsy®

If you want to learn more about how Owlstone Medical’s Breath Sampling and Analysis technology is being applied for biomarker discovery in asthma why not check out our free ebook: Breath Biopsy: The Complete Guide?

Breath Biopsy Complete Guide

Owlstone  world-leading team provides a range of premium services for non-invasive diagnostics

Our expert team can support every step of your breath biomarker research from study design to data analysis

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